La cordura loca de lady Macbeth


La cordura loca de lady Macbeth. Play

When: Wednesday 6th November at 7:30 pm

Author: W. Shakespere, version of Irina Kouberskaya

Director: Irina Kouberskaya

Cast: Beatriz Argüello

Producer: Tribuñe S.L.

Suitable for 14+

Running Time: 70 minutes followed by a Q&A

Play in Spanish. A brief summary in English will be available. The play will be followed by a Q&A in English and Spanish.

No interval

Venue: St John’s Hoxton, Pitfield St, London, N1 6NP


The approach to the true story that inspired Shakespeare to create the character of Lady Macbeth, Lady Gruoch, granddaughter of King Kenneth III, adopted by King Duncan, who had killed all her family. Lady Gruoch grew up in silence, and now our
work gives her a voice.

La cordura loca de lady Macbeth

Poeta [perdido] en Nueva York

Poeta [perdido] en Nueva York. Play

When: Thursday 7th November at 7:30 pm

Author: Federico García Lorca – Jesús Torres

Director: Jesús Torres

Cast: Jesús Torres

Producer: El Aedo Teatro

Suitable for 14+

Running Time: 80 min followed by a Q&A in English and Spanish

Play in Spanish. Subtitles in English will be available. The play will be followed by a Q&A in English and Spanish.

No interval

Venue: St John’s Hoxton, Pitfield St, London, N1 6NP


Neruda said that “to understand Lorca you don’t have to study him; “You have to love Lorca to understand him.” And that is the premise of this new project by El Aedo Teatro, led by the Andalusian actor, playwright and director Jesús Torres (Flour Fists, SGAE AutorExprés Award 2019).

Poeta [perdido] en Nueva York


Imbécil- Stand-Up comedy-Theatre

When: Friday 8th November at 7:30pm

Author: Alex O’dogherty

Art direction: Rafael Lucas y Alex O’dogherty

Cast: Alex O’dogherty

Producer: MPC management

Suitable for all ages

Running Time: 100 min followed by a Q&A

Show in Spanish. A scene-by-scene synopsis in English will be available. It will be followed by a Q&A in English and Spanish.

No interval

Venue: St John’s Hoxton, Pitfield St, London, N1 6NP


Why do words affect us so much? Alex O’Dogherty wonders in this funny monologue about the power of words.

Imbecile comes from the Latin and meant: fragile, weak and vulnerable. And he hates being like that! That is why, in this monologue, he is committed to talking about the power of words or, more specifically, about the power we have when we use them.


Songs for a fragile world

Songs for a fragile world. Concert

When: Saturday 9th November at 5:00pm

Author: Javier Rodriguez & Noelle Vanyi

Company: Javier Rodriguez & Noelle Vanyi

Suitable for all ages

Running Time: 75 min

No interval

Venue: St John’s Hoxton, Pitfield St, London, N1 6NP


In 2024, Javier Rodriguez and Noelle Vanyi embarked on a musical journey to create a suite that would resonate beyond the cacophony of news and misinformation. Their collaboration, “Songs for a Fragile World”, addresses the pressing global challenges we face, including the gradual destruction of our Planet Earth.

Songs for a fragile world

Flamenco Meets Maqam

Flamenco Meets Maqam. Closing concert

When: Sunday 10th November at 5:00pm

Author: Ignacio Lusardi Monteverde

Director: Lourdes Fernandez & Ignacio Lusardi Monteverde

Cast: Baha Yektin, Demi Garcia Sabat, Lourdes Fernandez & Ignacio Lusardi Monteverde

Company: Ignacio Lusardi Monteverde

Technical team: Ayden Yoo

Suitable for all ages

Running Time: 90 min

With an interval

Venue: St John’s Hoxton, Pitfield St, London, N1 6NP


Ignacio Lusardi Monteverde and Baha Yektin alongside Lourdes Fernandez and Demi Garcia Sabat merge cultures, as East meets West in a harmonious collusion. Their combination of Spanish guitar, Arabic oud and foot work does not come as a surprise. 

Flamenco Meets Maqam

FesTeloff 2023 Winner

Illuminate, Light of Metal. FesTeloff 2023 Winner. Play

When: Saturday 9th November 13:30

Author: Original Idea from Rebeca Sierra, and adaptation of first chapter of the novel Mr President by Miguel Angel Asturias

Director: Rebeca Sierra.

Cast: Rebeca Sierra performer, James Bentham musician. 

Producer: Che Sera Sera

Suitable for +12 years old

Running Time: 60 minutes followed by a Q&A in English & Spanish

In Spanish

Venue: St John’s Hoxton, Pitfield St, London, N1 6NP

Synopsis of the play:

It is a project that was born from two interests: the combination between architecture, movement, voice and mind, and the theme of dehumanization. On top of that, my love for the text Mr president by Miguel Angel de Asturias, and his language was a trigger to explore and incorporate.

FesTeloff 2023 Winner

Talks and Workshops 2024

 Workshop: Ready to act.

When: Friday 8th November, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Venue: St John’s Hoxton, Pitfield St, London, N1 6NP

Speaker: Nuria Legarda

In Spanish, with an interpreter in English

Important: As well as purchasing a ticket, please send a brief biography and statement (adressed to Nuria Legarda) regarding your motivation / interest in attending the workshop to

Brief Description

A systematised training to work your performing skills, exploring new emotional territories, from the body, from playing and from the creative impulse. 

Talks and Workshops 2024