Political Theatre in the 21st Century
Teatro político del siglo XXI
By Ignacio García, Arizona’s Director
Monday 13 June, from 11:00 to 13:00 > Past Event
King´s College London – Strand Building S-1.06
(Talk in Spanish with English interpreter)
The political or social nature of theatre lies in its origins, in the cradle of Athenian democracy and its idealogical positioning. Throughout each period of history, theatre has acquired a different political meaning, until reaching its apogee in the first half of the twentieth century. But in a time such as ours, full of political upheaval, in which our lives are influenced by social networks and real-time information, what significance does the theatrical movement have as a political act?
In front of just a handful of spectators, how far can a theatrical performance reach out into our virtual world? What themes should a “political” theatre grapple with in this day and age? How do these themes affect the work of the actors, the construction of plays and their aesthetic, idealogical and philosphical connotations?
Using the current production of “Arizona”, by Juan Carlos Rubio, as our excuse, we shall attempt to consider and reflect on geographical borders, creeping totalitarianism and the xenophobia and racism in our society, and on how we can make these issues present and important in the theatrical world of the twenty-first century, so that theatrical performances do not become an isolated reality.
Free admission but you need to book your place at: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/political-theatre-in-the-21st-century-teatro-politico-del-siglo-xxi-tickets-24509281922