Festelon Kids

Dear Kids,

First of all, well done for the bravery that you have shown throughout the pandemic. You have all been amazing heroes and heroines. Congratulations!

This year, due to Covid-19, we are unable to visit theatres, so we are bringing FesTeLõnKids to you virtually. Please ask your parents to take out their diaries and make note of these important points:

  • On Saturday, 3rd July, you will be able to watch a fantastic play online titled: ‘Debajo del Tejado’. (You will require a private password which we will send to you once your parents have paid for the ticket via Eventbrite).  The access will be opened from 09.00 am to midnight.
  • A few days in advance of 2nd July, we will provide you with a creative theatre workbook to help you better understand enjoy the play to the max!
  • On Sunday 4th July at 18:00 (UK) via Zoom you will be able to talk to the actors and director about this play during our virtual Q&A session. We will also provide your parents with the password to access this session, as well as the time at which it will take place, once they have purchased your ticket to FesTeLõnKids.  There will be an interpreter.

Parents should keep an eye on our social media and our website: www.festivalspanishtheatre.co.uk

For any questions or queries please contact us on: 


We are looking forward to seeing you soon on 3rd and 4th July.

Long live the theatre!

Your FesTeLõn team.

We would be grateful for any support you can provide to FesTeLõn. Your donations are fundamental and allow FesTeLõn to continue operating and  building cultural ties between Spain and the United Kingdom. If you want to become a Friend of FesTeLõn please click here.

Alternatively, please click here if you would like to make a smaller donation.  Many thanks!

FesTeLõn is sponsored by the Spanish Embassy in London. We operate in collaboration with CityLit, TeVeo, El Instituto Cervantes and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in the UK. We would sincerely like to thank all our sponsors and partners.  

Spanish version