Testimonial: María Goiricelaya Burón, Master talk 2024: The theatre of scars. Rescuing the recent past.

He conocido muy pocas iniciativas que tengan el espíritu de FESTELÓN; un proyecto que divulga con excelencia, rigor y pasión, el teatro y la dramaturgia española en la capital del Reino Unido. Sin duda, este proyecto late desde el corazón de su directora artística,  Mariví Rodríguez, quien ha creado este inestimable puente de intercambio de experiencias, conocimiento y sabiduría en el corazón de Londres. Este festival es fruto del ímprobo trabajo de su directora y de un equipo magnífico de profesionales que han desarrollado un proyecto vital para la cultura española. Ojalá más instituciones se sumen pronto a colaborar con un espacio que ha demostrado ser necesario para la difusión de nuestra cultura y que se perfila ya como una de las citas internacionales clave de nuestro teatro. Larga vida a FesTeLon.


Thank you so much, María. It was an absolute pleasure to have you at this edition and to enjoy the magnificent and incredibly engaging talk you shared with our audience.


And just like that, our 12th edition of the Festival of Spanish Theatre in London comes to a close!

Thank you to everyone who made this edition possible; artists, collaborators, audiences, partner organisations, supporters… You made this year’s FesTeLõn an extra special one!

Thank you to @stjohnshoxton for hosting us. It was so wonderful to see our community coming together to enjoy our theatre and our culture.

From all of us at FesTeLõn, thank you from the bottom of our hearts!



Click here to see our plays´ archive since our beginning in 2013 

  • 1st Edition 2013



FesTeLõn has worked hard over the years to broaden our cultural offering and encourage audience participation via workshops and discussions with the top talent in Spanish performing arts. Led by those in the know, our audience have been able to engage with Golden Age and Contemporary Spanish theatre (as well as other creative genres) in a unique and meaningful way. Below are some of the events we have been able to offer with the  generous support of the our friends, partners and invited guests.  We hope to continue and expand these events in the future – so keep an eye out for updates.

Past events