Past Events:


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“Last 27th March we celebrated the World Theatre Day.”

In honour of this occasion we received two lovely video-messages from former FesTeLõn participants: Kiti Mánver ¨Las Heridas del viento / Wounded by the wind¨ 2015  and Alberto Iglesias ¨El hombre y el lienzo / Man and Canvas´ 2023.

Many thanks to both of them and Happy World Theatre Day ever!

click here to see Kiti’s video

click here to see Alberto’s video

We are pleased to announce that we will be back in Autumn for our 12th annual edition! We will share more details closer to the time.

We would like to thank all the artists, and theatre companies and dear public that contributed to last year’s 11th edition. We are immensely grateful for their effort, passion, friendship and commitment. They were kind enough to tell us about their experience featuring in FesTeLõn 2023 and you read the full list of testimonials on our website.  

We would be grateful if you could take a moment to help us our through our Be a Friend programme. FesTeLõn is an organisation that relies exclusively on your generous donations and sponsorship from our partners. Any donations you can make will help us to continue our work supporting Professional Spanish theatre companies that wish to showcase their work in London.

Thank you very much Querid@s FesTeLoner@s. See you soon.

Take care!!

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Click here to see our plays´ archive since our beginning in 2013 

  • 1st Edition 2013



FesTeLõn has worked hard over the years to broaden our cultural offering and encourage audience participation via workshops and discussions with the top talent in Spanish performing arts. Led by those in the know, our audience have been able to engage with Golden Age and Contemporary Spanish theatre (as well as other creative genres) in a unique and meaningful way. Below are some of the events we have been able to offer with the  generous support of the our friends, partners and invited guests.  We hope to continue and expand these events in the future – so keep an eye out for updates.

Past events