Imbécil- Stand-Up comedy-Theatre
When: Friday 8th November at 7:30pm
Author: Alex O’dogherty
Art direction: Rafael Lucas y Alex O’dogherty
Cast: Alex O’dogherty
Producer: MPC management
Suitable for all ages
Running Time: 100 min followed by a Q&A
Show in Spanish. A scene-by-scene synopsis in English will be available. It will be followed by a Q&A in English and Spanish.
No interval
Venue: St John’s Hoxton, Pitfield St, London, N1 6NP
Why do words affect us so much? Alex O’Dogherty wonders in this funny monologue about the power of words.
Imbecile comes from the Latin and meant: fragile, weak and vulnerable. And he hates being like that! That is why, in this monologue, he is committed to talking about the power of words or, more specifically, about the power we have when we use them.
A word is just a collection of letters, but it can make you laugh, cry, be surprised, blush, fall in love, make you angry… Well, not the word, the person who uses it.
Together, we will try to find out if we can stop being affected by words, or if we are doomed to be perfect IMBECILES.
In this new show he talks about words, sweet words and swear words. Of what is said with words and what is said without them, of people’s ability to offend and to be offended, and of the right to be and to act the IMBECILE, which also means: Fool, clown, funny… And he loves to be like that!
Imbécil viene de “sin báculo” y significaba: frágil, débil y vulnerable. ¡Y él odia ser así! Por eso, en este monólogo, se ha propuesto hablar sobre el poder de las palabras, o más concretamente, sobre el poder que tenemos los que las usamos.
Una palabra es sólo una reunión de letras, pero puede hacerte reír, llorar, sorprenderte, sonrojarte, enamorarte, enfadarte… Bueno, la palabra no, la persona que la utiliza.
Trataremos juntos de descubrir si podemos conseguir que dejen de afectarnos las palabras, o si estamos condenados de por vida a ser unos perfectos IMBÉCILES.
En este nuevo espectáculo habla de las palabras, palabritas y palabrotas. De lo que se dice con palabras y de lo que se dice sin ellas, de la capacidad de la gente para ofender y para ofenderse, y del derecho a ser y a hacer el IMBÉCIL, que también significa: Tonto, payaso, divertido… ¡Y a él le encanta ser así!