Author: Sandra Arpa & Paula Rodríguez
Company: Teatro Inverso
‘Rosaura’ is a theatrical piece inspired by the play ‘Life is a Dream’. Taking this pinnacle work by Calderón de la Barca as reference, the play will switch the attention to its heroine, Rosaura. In their story, the verses of Calderón will engage in an open dialogue with reality today through storytelling.
Author: Pepe Viyuela
Company: El Vodevil
“Encerrona” is a reflection on the everyday from the perspective of a clown. The character experiences being trapped on stage. For just over an hour, Pepe Viyuela is forced to act for an audience that watches him intensely. He is alone and his only companions are a series of objects with which he tries to work around; a guitar, a chair, a jacket, a newspaper and a ladder. We are faced with a metaphor in which the clown is each of us and his act is nothing but our lives.
EncerronaHimmelweg – Camino del cielo
Author: Juan Mayorga
Company: Atrium
A piece of historical and political theatre about a triumvirate of characters, set in World War II. A fable of the past that serves as a tool to talk about the present and to reflect on how our minds can be moulded to the convenience of those in power.
Himmelweg – Camino del cieloBig boy
Author and Company: Guantuguan Teatro
“This is a story of friendship, a story about two inseparable friends”. And so Big Boy begins, a thrilling story with more than 100 characters but only two actors, who, with an empty stage, manage to take us from the First World War to dazzling New York, going through stories full of emotion, friendship, struggle, surrendering… and boxing.
Big Boy is all of these people and all are in Big Boy paying a small homage to those who had to emigrate and abandon their land and roots to enter an unknown world.
Big boy