Pablo Sánchez García
I met Marivi Rodríguez, the Director of the Festival, in 1993 when we both were teaching at UCL Language Centre. We have been very good friends since then. In 2013 the first edition of FesTeLõn was held at the Greenwood Theatre. It was in 2016 when I started to take a more active role in the Festival. Being an independent cultural project, it was clear that Mariví was going to need any help and support from friends and organisations. Having a background in art and design, I offered my skills to the project. Since 2016, I support the Festival by liaising with the different theatre productions coming to London, arranging any theatrical property needed on stage. I also help with the Festival promotional merchandising.
Being a part of the FesTeLõn has helped me to have a much better understanding of the Theatre Industry and develop my love for Theatre and Arts.